News from Rosendal
The municipality of Kvinnherad (where Rosendal is situated) has adopted a new strategy for cruise calls to the Port of Rosendal.
Our vision is to be an emission free cruise destination with high value creation.
The many objectives include:
- The maximum number of cruise passengers per ship should be 1,000 per day.
- Ships with low- or zero emissions will be preferred.
- Ashore, buses with zero emissions should be preferred.
- The cruise guests must, to the extent possible, utilise the whole community to minimize pollution in central areas.
- The environmental consequences of cruise traffic must be studied.
- Rosendal must better facilitate hiking and biking facilities for cruise guests.
- Rosendal must develop more land-based offers and tours based on preferences by the target groups.
- Establish more public toilets.
- Increase the time cruise guests spend ashore.
- Increase the number of cruise lines and cruise guests who contribute to local value creation.